Lars Fugger, UK
Scientifically, he has focused on translational studies in multiple sclerosis research and has been investigating how genes in interplay with environmental factors confer risk to this disease. This has been achieved by using a multidisciplinary approach with a large network of collaborators.
Lars Fugger trained at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and at Stanford University in USA. He got his first clinical chair in Clinical Immunology in Denmark in 1996 and moved to Oxford in 2002 to work at the John Radcliffe Hospital. He became professor of Clinical Immunology at the University of Oxford in 2004 and was appointed to the vacant chair of Neuroimmunology in 2007. He has won major European Prizes for his multiple sclerosis research and was elected to The Academy of Medical Sciences in 2010. He was the chairman of the Danish MRC from 2007-2010. Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark knighted him in 2011 for services to medicine.